Improve your Well-being with Qigong
Cultivate a vital life with qigong. Learn this simple wellness exercise to wake up your body’s own internal healing resources. It’s deeply relaxing, fun and strengthens your body and mind. Maximize your body’s function by cultivating energy with specific exercises that stimulate your organ systems. Qigong stretches and strengthens muscles, increases deep breathing and circulation, lymphatic and immune responses and results in a relaxed state of mind. It clears mind-body systems in a coordinated way to maximize health and decrease stress by engaging the Relaxation Response to enable healing. Enjoy this internal process with external movements that both calm and energize.
I offer both classes and workshops in a friendly environment and train the trainer consultation. Learn about the proven benefits of bringing these healing services to your organization.
Benefits of Qigong
Relieves anxiety and stress, fatigue and headaches
Increases clarity and sense of calm
Improves cognitive capacity and retention
Increases balance, coordination and flexibility
Revitalizes the body’s muscles, tendons, joints and improves cardiovascular fitness and blood pressure
Supports all body organs: lung, liver, kidney, digestive track, spleen, etc.
Relieves chronic pain, menstrual cycles, addiction
Sharpens focus, build resilience
Helps ease disease like Fibromyalgia
Improves sleep quality
In qigong we bring into balance mutually opposing beneficial forces from Nature —contract/expand, sink/lift, side to side. It is easy, relaxing and deeply satisfying.
How offered
I bring services to your space.
Let us know how I can provide support.
Series: Group classes for students, staff; teams
Workplace Stress Release
Train the Trainer consultation
1:1 custom
In-person or Zoom
Qigong is recommended by:
Harvard Medical School
The Cleveland Clinic
Mayo Clinic
National Council on Aging
American College of Sports Medicine
“I took my first Qigong class and meditation with Laura, and it was wonderful. I felt light and centered for weeks afterwards, and the recurring low back pain issues I normally have were non-existent.” — Katii, Living Waters wellness center student
Happy to be with a few fellow teachers from over 2,000 trained at The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi with Dr. Roger Jahnke.